Saturday, June 12, 2010

pre-adventure thoughts

Leaving tomorrow for colorado!! Ah:) I'm really excited. I want to come back changed. I want God to speak and move and mold and sing to me. I think it will be beautiful and scary and amazing and humbling. As my sister tarah has said, "God is not safe, but He is good, amen?". Amen. I'm glad He's not safe. It scares the crap out of me sometimes, but it beckons me ya know? Calls me deeper. I wanna dive in! I want to be trembling in fear of Him, and then realize that He is my Daddy and that He fights for me. Maybe one day He will make my heart and mind huge enough to comprehend how amazing and crazy that is. I hope so. Maybe it just won't be 'til I get to heaven.
There's a poster in my room that I got when I was little from San Diego Zoo, it has a a grey wolf standing amongst a grove of aspen trees gazing right at the camera with big mago colored eyes. I will soon be amongst the sweet aspens as well! I can't wait to smell them and see them dance in the wind! To wake up and be surrounded by the towering majestic mountains, humming deep songs about Jesus and heaven. Maybe I'll see a wolf! or a bear!! We shall see! A grand adventure awaits! "I will arise and go to Jesus! He will embrace me in His arms! For in the arms of my dear Savior oh there are ten thousand charms!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited about your trip. I woke up praying for you on Monday, which was weird. I was praying for your safety and then I found out you broke that window. ;-) Haha! I like that He isn't safe, and I like that even though He knows we are weak and vulnerable, He calls us to do strong and beautiful things. Can't wait to hear about what strong and beautiful things He calls you to in the next week or so!
